Ecosystem Scientist, Monitoring Specialist, Northern Ecologist, Ph.D, EP-Nat. Res. Manag.

Conservation Programs Branch, Protected Areas Establishment and Conservation Directorate, Parks Canada Agency
Research Interests:
Dr. Wanli Wu is a Senior Ecologist working for Parks Canada Agency. He is responsible for conducting ecological monitoring and assessment, reviewing the state of parks reports and consulting on environmental impact assessments in Canadian national parks. Over the course of his career, Dr. Wu has worked in many national parks and historic sites located in various regions of Canada, the United States of America and China, including the Arctic, the Great Central Plains of North America, Southwestern Deserts, The Western Pacific Coastal Region and the Atlantic Coastal Mountains, the Inner Mongolian grassland and forests mountain regions, etc.
Selected publications:
- Ling, H.; Wang, G.; Wu, W.; Shrestha, A.; Innes, J.L. Grassland Resilience to Woody Encroachment in North America and the Effectiveness of Using Fire in National Parks. Climate 2023, 11, 219.
- Geng, C.D., Harshaw, H.W., Wu, W. et al. Impacts of COVID-19 on tourism and management response from Banff National Park, Canada. J. For. Res. 34, 1229–1244 (2023).
- Wang, W., Wang, X., Wang, T., Wu, W., and Wang, G. 2022. Effects of fire-fuel feedbacks on fire-climate relationships at the sub-continental scale in Canada. Submitted to: Nature Climate Change. (Reference number: NCLIM-22112240. Under review).
- 陈莉, 田甜, Wu Wanli, Wang Guangyu, 杨嬛, 2023.加拿大国家公园与原住居民协同共治框架体系及启示. 世界林业研究. 2023, 36(5): 119-125. (In Chinese language) doi: 10.13348/j.cnki.sjlyyj.2023.0077.y 刊出日期:2023-10-19
- Hu, F.; Kong, W.; Innes, J.L.; Wu,W.; Sunderland, T.;Wang, G. 2022. Residents’ Perceptions toward Tourism Development: A Case Study from Grand Canyon National Park, USA. In: Sustainability 2022, 14, 13128.
- Wang, W., Wang, X., Wu, W., Guo, F., Park, J., and Wang, G. 2022. Burn severity in Canada’s mountain national parks: patterns, drivers, and predictions. In: Geophysical Research Letters 49 (12). DOI: 10.1029/2022GL097945
- Wang, W., Wu, W., Guo, F., and Wang, G. 2022. Fire regime and management in Canada’s protected areas. In: International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks (IJGP). 10(3). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgeop.2022.04.003
- 陈莉 (Chen, L.),Wu W.,Wang G.2021. 加拿大国家公园与原住居民互动演变历程 和经验启示[J/OL].世界林业研究. (In Chinese language) DOI:10.13348/j.cnki.sjlyyj.2021.0034.y
- Evolution and Enlightenment of the Interaction Between Canadian National Parks and Indigenous Peoples. Published in Journal: World Forestry Research. ISSN 1001-4241,CN 11-2080/S
- Geng, D., Innes, J., Wu, W., Wang, W., & Wang G. 2021. Seasonal Variation in Visitor Satisfaction and Its Management Implications in Banff National Park. In the Journal: Sustainability 13(4):1681. February 2021.
- Geng, D., Innes, J., Wu, W. & Wang G. 2020. Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on urban park visitation: a global analysis. In: Journal of Forestry Research, 32(2), 553-567. DOI: 10.1007/s11676-020-01249-w
- Xu N., Wu W., Wang G. 2020. National Park and Ecosystem Integrity. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Life on Land. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.
- Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Fraser, R., Olthof, I., Chen, W., Mclennan, D., Ponomarenko, S., and Wu, W. 2013: Modelling and mapping climate change impacts on permafrost at high spatial resolution for an Arctic region with complex terrain, The Cryosphere, 7, 1121-1137,, 2013.
- Wu, W., 2013. Ecological restoration in tourism development of wasted lands around mining towns: concepts and practices in Northern America. In: the Discussion Forum of Tourism Development: Tourism Development of Resource-exhausted Cities (1). Tourism Tribune, 28 (5): 9-11. (In Chinese: 矿业城镇废弃地旅游开发中的生态重建:北美的生态重建理念和实践. 《旅游论坛》杂志,第28卷 (第5期): 9-11页.)
- Zhang, Y., Li, J., Wang, X., Chen, W., Sladen, W., Dyke, L., Dredge,L., Poitevin, J., McLennan, D., Stewart, H., Kowalchuk, S., Wu, W., Kershaw, and G., Brook, R. 2012. Modelling and mapping permafrost at high spatial resolution in Wapusk National Park, Hudson Bay Lowlands. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2012, 49(8): 925-937,
- Wu, W., C. Ouimet, C. Herbert, P. Dixon, D. Walker, and H. M. Stewart. 2011. Trend of sea ice change as an ecological integrity measure for Wapusk National Park. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Parks and Protected Areas Research Forum of Manitoba (PPARFM), January 20 & 21, 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba. P. 46 – 59.
- Wu, W., W. Sladen, L. Dyke, D. M. Whitaker, D. Walker, and H. M Stewart. 2009. Monitoring Permafrost Change in Northern National Parks – Technology and challenges of implementation in ecological monitoring and management. In: Proceedings of 8th Annual Parks and Protected Areas Research Forum of Manitoba (PPARFM). September 24 – 25, 2009 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. p. 27–32.
- Jenerette, G.D., W. Wu, S. Goldsmith, W.A. Marussich, and W.J. Roach. 2006. Contrasting water footprints of cities in China and the United States. Ecological Economics, Volume 57, Issue 3, pages 346-358.
- Lindert, P. H., J. Lu, and W. Wu. 1996a. Trends in the soil chemistry of south China since the 1930s. Soil Science. 161: p. 329-342.
- Lindert, P. H., J. Lu, and W. Wu. 1996b. Trends in the soil chemistry of north China since the 1930s. Journal of Environmental Quality. 25: p. 1168-1178.
- Wu, W. 1992. Palaeosols and their environmental significance during Holocene in Daqingshan mountain region of Inner Mongolia, north China. The Journal of Chinese Geography, 3(1), p. 72-84.
- Parks Canada Agency. 2019. Operational Review of the Ecological Integrity Monitoring Program of Fundy National Park. Monitoring and Ecological Information Division. Natural Resource Conservation Branch. Parks Canada Agency. Gatineau, QC. August 2019. 78 pages. (Lead by: Wanli Wu)
- Parks Canada. 2017. Operational Review of the Ecological Integrity Monitoring Program of Grassland National Park. Monitoring and Ecological Information Division. Natural Resource Conservation Branch. Parks Canada Agency. Gatineau, QC. April 28, 2017. 120 pages. (Co-Lead by Paul Zorn and Wanli Wu)
- Parks Canada. 2016. Operational Review of the Ecological Integrity Monitoring Program of Wood Buffalo National Park. Monitoring and Ecological Information Division. Natural Resource Conservation Branch. Parks Canada Agency. Gatineau, QC. 126 pages. (Co-Lead by Paul Zorn and Wanli Wu)
- Parks Canada [O. Berard, D. Clark, C. Samson, W. Wu, and P. Zorn (lead)]. 2015. Ecological Integrity Monitoring Program Review of the Western Arctic Field Unit. Monitoring and Ecological Information Division. Natural Resource Conservation. Parks Canada Agency. Gatineau, QC. (Internal review report)
- Parks Canada [O. Berard, D. Clark, C. Samson, W. Wu, and P. Zorn (lead)]. 2014. Reviews of ecological integrity monitoring programs in four national parks of the Nunavut Field Unit. Monitoring and Ecological Information Division. Natural Resource Conservation. Parks Canada Agency. Gatineau, QC. (Internal review report)
- Parks Canada Agency. 2014. Operational Review of the Ecological Integrity Monitoring Program of Thousand Islands National Park. Monitoring and Ecological Information Division. Natural Resource Conservation. Parks Canada Agency. Gatineau, QC. July, 2014. 117 pages. (Lead by: Wanli Wu)
- Wu, W. (Review leader), S. Rasheed, P. Zorn, D. Kehler, C. Samson, O. Bérard, and D. Clark. 2013. Wapusk National Park Ecological Integrity Monitoring Program Rapid Assessment — Operational Review. Parks Canada Agency, Protected Areas Establishment and Conservation Directorate, Natural Resources Conservation Branch, Monitoring and Ecological Information Division. February, 2013. (Internal review report)
- Wu, W., D. Walker, C. Ouimet, C. Herbert, P. Dixon. and H. M Stewart. 2011. Sea Ice Concentration as an Ecological Integrity Measure for The State of National Park Report, Wapusk National Park of Canada (Technical Compendium).
- Wu, W. 2010. Soil Survey and the Permafrost Monitoring Projects in Aulavik National Park of Canada, July 2010. (Internal project report)
- Wu, W. 2009. Hydrological Investigation of the Lower Sheep Creek, and Soil Survey of Forest Ecosystem in Ivvavik National Park of Canada, Yukon Territory, Canada, June 24 to July 04, 2009. (Internal project report)